I can't bring my self to play matchmaking anymore.

The problem isn't that it's not working, it's the fact every game you're put into in H3 is constant people not playing, one player who's connection you could swear is being stolen from his local mcdonalds.. just terrible match selection, like 3v3 crazy king on epitaph? yeah that's what we all bought this game for. So basically i've just been complaining to my self lately.. and i need more custom friends i guess who don't wanna just play br snipe on beaver creek like a bunch of try hards..

This is how the game has been since it came out. Matchmaking was never unplayable in the sense that I couldn't find matches (excluding the first day or two) but it's unplayable in the sense that the games are almost always unfair.

If I don't have anybody to play matchmaking with, I'll run solo on a silver gamertag. This way if I'm playing a full party, get AFK teammates or play an unfavorable map/gametype, I'll simply quit the build. Saves me a headache, honestly.

pretty why i play pgls. h2 and h3 in pgl isnt as fun because host is grossly op. but h2a 4s and dubs is pretty fun
It's sad but true.


It could be random for all I know. Every game is a blowout, or if it isn't, it's only because 1 or 2 on each team carried the shit out of the others.

Doesn't stop me from going full montage and whoring snipe every game going for clips. I can't do marathon sessions like I used to though.

pretty why i play pgls. h2 and h3 in pgl isnt as fun because host is grossly op. but h2a 4s and dubs is pretty fun


How's that going for you? I watched your stream against Noble Black (i think that's who you were playing against)....twas a very good watch.

very good watch if you liked watching it from my death screen lmao. but its going okay. PGL just isnt as good as gamebattles though, especially how they settle disputes. We've done signficantly better in the HCS cups. We placed top 16 and top 32 in the last 2 cups and top 64 in the rest. Ill most likely stream the one today. 

was wanting to go play at a friend's and was coming here to see how the game's been doing since the last time i checked up (feels like two months)

is it still not a working game? completely disheartening

was wanting to go play at a friend's and was coming here to see how the game's been doing since the last time i checked up (feels like two months)

is it still not a working game? completely disheartening


It works a little bit.  There's still no ranks or even teams in MM.

This is how the game has been since it came out. Matchmaking was never unplayable in the sense that I couldn't find matches (excluding the first day or two) but it's unplayable in the sense that the games are almost always unfair.

If I don't have anybody to play matchmaking with, I'll run solo on a silver gamertag. This way if I'm playing a full party, get AFK teammates or play an unfavorable map/gametype, I'll simply quit the build. Saves me a headache, honestly.

This, a thousand times this! About 20% of the games i get in (at least for h3 as that's what i primarily play) are actually worth playing, the rest is plagued with some combination of bullshit which could be picked from around 7 or 8 recurring items, just depends on what comes up in your game.

Did this really need a thread?
youre about 280 hours late there mate

Ive been in totally different world...ive been grinding out FFAs like nothing lately. H2As multiplayer hit registration has been absolutely spot on and its the same with Halo 3. Its soo fun. :)

I dont know why you are gettig boring games, and those happen more than they need to, but I would just play other gametypes, other things in general, or just take a break from Halo.  That is what I do...if I get bored of playing without anyone fun, I just go to Destiny or get off my Xbox till I save money to get AC Unity and Shadows of Mordor, if its worth it.