THF community survey

Hi everyone, I know it's my first post here, but please don't get mad for asking for help right away :)

Anyways, believe it or not, but I'm an assitant at Czestochowa University of Technology, and as a dedicated gamer since the age of 5, a former games tester, and a Halo fan, I try to do my doctor's thesis by researching video game communities. While it's almost as cool as it sounds, it's not that easy ("were it so easy"), and I need help in my research.
If you want to help, you can fill out a questionnaire concerning your thoughts on the Halo franchise and it's community, by following the link below:


I know it looks quite long, but trust me, it takes a couple of minutes to complete (5-6 on average). If you think some statements don't apply here (for example asking for the Halo devs, when it's a dev-free zone), just rate them "1" (strongly disagree).
If you have any questions or suggestions about the questionnaire, or my research in general, feel free to post them here or PM me.

Thanks a million in advance for any help, I'm really counting on you guys!

I completed it.
DId it yes
Did it. Hope it's helpful