Looking for clips to edit

Looking for someone who has some gameplay I could edit for practice. Been a minute since ive edited, and what to get back into the groove of it. Thanks in advance!
Whatever happened to those H3 clips Phurion posted for people to practice editing with? Would be cool if someone had some quality clips/angles to throw together for people to edit with. Maybe even CE and H2 stuff.
idk, I looked flippantly for them and things like that, but to no avail. And thats why I posted here. Even if someone has left over clips from a montage thats already been released, that would be great
Would you rather have halo 2 or halo 5 clips? I have a bunch of both
Halo 2! omg, thank you very much!
Still haven't been able to get ahold of any, so if anyone could help out that would be greatly appreciated

Whatever happened to those H3 clips Phurion posted for people to practice editing with? Would be cool if someone had some quality clips/angles to throw together for people to edit with. Maybe even CE and H2 stuff.

Currently working on it :)


site seems very interesting, and an unbelievably good idea in my opinion. However, I can't seem to get any of the clips downloaded... :/ any help?


site seems very interesting, and an unbelievably good idea in my opinion. However, I can't seem to get any of the clips downloaded... :/ any help?



It's not open to the public yet, but tell me what packs you want and I'll give you the direct DropBox link :)

Whatever happened to those H3 clips Phurion posted for people to practice editing with? Would be cool if someone had some quality clips/angles to throw together for people to edit with. Maybe even CE and H2 stuff.

Currently working on it :)


Hable the real mvp.

I have a bunch of halo reach clips that you can mess with if you want
I can give you my MCC clips if you wanna fool around with them. I think I also have Trunk's clips and those have a few angles too.