Post a Montage Thread 2.0

Same deal as before post whatever montage you want and throw a little review or rating of the one posted before yours. 


I'll start.



that frenzy, one of my most watched videos in the early years

uhm.. Id say a 9/10 for LBYL,  probably the greatest vid of its kind in h3

10/10 miss the old days of h2 montages, that jump up from s1 to a killtac at 40 seconds was sexy. Classic


Love this video not because i made it just because my old friend would just get the most original clips.

quick question can people watch this? cuz it was blocked

It works for me, slater. 

sick, Ive wanted people to be able to watch that again for years. hope it doesnt go hyena on me, but if it does now we can fix up a custom stream so either way Im stoked

That video is enjoyable as hell. I remember watching it a while back. Love the soundtrack. Gonna watch it again later on 
thanks man, yeah it really transports me back. After this tage the people I play with in my videos changes up quite a bit because h3 came out. These folks in here were my friends during the heydays, credits get me all goofy. 

10/10 miss the old days of h2 montages, that jump up from s1 to a killtac at 40 seconds was sexy. Classic


Love this video not because i made it just because my old friend would just get the most original clips.

Damn that video was so enjoyable! Also the clip at 3:04 was insane! A ricochet tac of the wall? No fucking way

Same deal as before post whatever montage you want and throw a little review or rating of the one posted before yours. 


I'll start.


Who's Halzard? He seems good

that h3f screengrab says Exterminate White People, lmao wut

Weird how you dont see many people identify with their in game symbol so much anymore, used to be a huge thing

I feel like Todd inspired a lot of people like FatRat to start going for ricochets more, and his cannon game is also top fucking notch. Severely underrated if you ask me. His ricochet Killtacular into noscope spawnkill Killtrocity on the same guy across Foundry is one of the most insane clips I've ever seen.

@ 5 minute mark

uhm.. Id say a 9/10 for LBYL,  probably the greatest vid of its kind in h3


jumps are segmented

cant find this audio fucking anywhere.

cant find this audio fucking anywhere. 

Was about to say I have the montage on my HDD if you want me to upload it, but then I realized you posted the trailer. I think I still have s0r3 on AIM. I'll send him a message and ask.



More s0r3 cause he is the best.

That looks awesome!  Can't wait to see the full tage, the Voice Over Really is awesome!

when cod montages were watchable:

What a delightfully chilled video. Construct MLG ext, high ground ext and ofc the last clip were all sick, and the gameplay was all around very clean. Been watching this alot recently, i love sigur ros in montages so much. So many nasty 10 sens whip exterms

phurions always had such a unique style when it comes to 10 sens, up there with hyena in my mind

Don't know if anyone posted this already but jeeesus I remember coming home every day from highschool and watching this before running some H3. Lot's of nostalgia for me. 10/10 love it.

Couldnt find this on youtube so uploaded it

I forsure know this video won't be to everyone's taste but you gotta respect the ability to just keep on going higher and higher that these 3 display. Definitely worth a watch if you've not seen it yet, some of the top social gameplay out there imo:

when cod montages were watchable:

I know this is old, but you should watch CoD pc videos if you think thats a good one