Ok This Is Exciting

I'll let the video speak for itself hahaha long story short, people told me to kick this dude because he cheats, so yeah what ever it was over, everyone forgot about the whole thing and we went on with our lives. then this kid makes this 7 minute long video with this clickbait title about messages with like 20 paragraphs about how he has a cronis but doesn't use it lol somehow he thought that was the more logical thing to do instead of just making a short 1 min video showing his set up with no cronis plug in like everyone else does (and like the one i just did this moring on my channel *cough cough*)

so what do you guys think lol is he just dumb for not making a video showing proof of no plug in on his set up and it will eventually come, or did this kid just get caught and is losing his mind haha


You're bad kid