.:: League of Legends ::.

Yeah, man.. I'm on now and should be for the rest of the night. 
Shitty night of League. Hope your brother is alright.
Do people just use Fraps to record themselves or is there something better?

Not sure what the status is but I used to use something that recorded my game files. I think this is it. Haven't used it in a long time though.


Formal just subscribed to Voyboy's stream.  


That's it.. just wanted to report that. Byeeeeeeee.

I use LoL Recorder, then Fraps if I want to save the file later (LoL Recorder is basically Halo 3 Theatre, saves the gameplay and you can watch it, but you can't export it)

5.4 is live, and DJ Sona was released... 25% off retail for the next few days, so grab it if you want. I'll be purchasing it tonight. 

patch notes: http://na.leagueoflegends.com/en/news/game-updates/patch/patch-54-notes

I don't Jungle, but they're really making it difficult on Jungle mains this season. 

yeah patch 5.4 was really big but overall one of the worst patches in a while. I do like the mordekaiser changes though.

ooh morde got done up? gotta check that out, first penta memories

im so shit at ahri its not even funny

ooh morde got done up? gotta check that out, first penta memories

im so shit at ahri its not even funny

Yeah, he finally did.

And you gotta practice with Ahri, man... she's different than any other champ. Conserve your Q (Orb), use it to kite and catch up to champs since you get that speed boost. Her W (Foxfire) recently got a range nerf, so only use it when you dash through / near champs. Use her E (Charm) sparingly, only when you have a clear shot... and save it for when you have your R. My trick is to poke down a champ with my Q  a bit, use R to dash to a position, land an Charm, dash closer to them, slam an W + Q, ignite, and then dash away again. You'll melt just about any mid as long as they're not building defense, 


sorc shoes > morellinomicon > deathcap or zhonyas depending on how the game is going > rylai > void staff

if it's a late game and you wanna sell your shoes, it's up to you at that point.. i usually go with banshee or liandry

First game back to league since about a year. Went 19/3 with AP teemo. 

I know how I should play her, Im just shit at her. Ive only played champs Ive had minimum of 50+ games on lately so perhaps its just being uncomfortable being so new to every match up not knowing the exact damage etc. with a champ as squishy as her. 

I also go abyssal or athene's first in some lane match-ups, like if the lane is ap and I wanna be ready for continuous skirmishes/playing around drake fights soon Id rather go athenes than morrelo. If the lane is a huge deal and AP and we have more ap damage Id rather go abbysal. Also like liandry's over rylai's as a lategame addition so far but my ahri games havent gone late too often, depends on the teams.


Went 13/3 with Veigar. They've changed so much. Got rid of DFG which was crucial for his build
Don't buy Rylais, ever. It's just not good on Ahri as you go into a fight and out of a fight, and you have enough chasing skills as it is anyway (R & Q). If you need some sort of defensive stats (next to zhonyas which you will probably buy no matter how the game flows), get Banshee's Veil because CC is what can make Ahri useless quicker than a bit of damage. Abyssal Scepter is fine too, I tend to build it when the enemy team has a bursty AP champ like LeBlanc.

One of my best games ever. Got my first quadra which was really sweet. I had over 1K AP for most of the end game which is fucking stupid high lol.


Remembered why I hAte this game. Been playing extremely well but the past three games my teammate has left towards the end. Three losses and three hours of my life wasted

so... 0 magic pen in a 50+ minute game, 2 zonyas and no boots on a squishy burst mage who excels with speed (LB's 5% movespeed isnt enough)?

did you buy joke items at the end for lulz or what

so... 0 magic pen in a 50+ minute game, 2 zonyas and no boots on a squishy burst mage who excels with speed (LB's 5% movespeed isnt enough)?

did you buy joke items at the end for lulz or what

I never really get magic pen. It isn't necessary for me unless their mid goes crazy on MR for some reason.  I had boots but got rid of them in the final minutes for more AP. Just trying to melt people as fast as possible.

I go:

Sorc shoes, morello, deathcap, void staff, zhonya's, lich bane and then if the game is still going on (which it usually isn't), I'll just stack deathcap and zhonya's like I did in that game.

you do realize a lot of champs automatically stacks up MR as they level up right ( see which ones here http://leagueoflegends.wikia.com/wiki/Champion_statistics_at_level_18) ? extra Magic Pen (on top of sorcs) is almost always needed somewhere between mid to late game ( 3rd or 4th item) no matter ur lane match up, u can postpone it a bit when they dont itemize MR early (like an early aegis/locket) but in a 50 min game its def something u wanna have, not something u wanna sell towards lategame. Also more AP does nothing if you cant land it, let alone dodge skillshots or get away from CC as a squishy champ, thats why boots stay on lategame for most champs. ahri is a playmaking champ, squishy playmaking champs need movement speed, that extra deathcap only helps with damage, of which you already had plenty. Just like a slow tank is useless  cuz they cant get in the adc's face. if the enemy team isnt retarded theyll make u use ult defensively and then shut you down before u can even use a zonyas. ADc's can do it in exchange for zephyr in teams where they're the well protected backline but even for them its usually not a great idea in no communication random teams. 


This here was one of the more intense/grindful games I played so far.


almost a full hour D:
Played Sejuani support for my cousin who played twitch, I'm just level 13 so no full masterys or runes but my cousin is lvl 30 and the guy named hellsquad is 25.
at the start of midgame the enemy leblanc,nidalee and akali got a real hassle to deal with , nid ad LB even tried to pull mindgames on us by posting shit in the /all chat.
we were kinda drunk and hellsquad told us he was high wich made the win even better.
even tho they dealed alot of damage it seemed that they got over confident and really lacked the teamplay aspect which is probably the reason we managed to comeback and win.
In the last ten minutes or so when we had to push I decided to sell the upgraded seeing stone (?) and buy a warmog armor and through all the health generating effect I had a regenertion of +61 in the end :D.

you do realize a lot of champs automatically stacks up MR as they level up right ( see which ones here http://leagueoflegends.wikia.com/wiki/Champion_statistics_at_level_18) ? extra Magic Pen (on top of sorcs) is almost always needed somewhere between mid to late game ( 3rd or 4th item) no matter ur lane match up, u can postpone it a bit when they dont itemize MR early (like an early aegis/locket) but in a 50 min game its def something u wanna have, not something u wanna sell towards lategame. Also more AP does nothing if you cant land it, let alone dodge skillshots or get away from CC as a squishy champ, thats why boots stay on lategame for most champs. ahri is a playmaking champ, squishy playmaking champs need movement speed, that extra deathcap only helps with damage, of which you already had plenty. Just like a slow tank is useless  cuz they cant get in the adc's face. if the enemy team isnt retarded theyll make u use ult defensively and then shut you down before u can even use a zonyas. ADc's can do it in exchange for zephyr in teams where they're the well protected backline but even for them its usually not a great idea in no communication random teams.

While I agree about the boots, I only got rid of them in the final minutes because I realized the type of people I was going against and knew I would be alright. About the magic pen, I still disagree. Obviously certain champs build MR overtime, but I also build up magic pen overtime which basically cancels it out. I've looked up many Ahri builds and have seen tons of good top players play as Ahri, and my build seems to be pretty standard. I very rarely ever see a good Ahri player worry about magic pen unless the other team is just going ham on MR.

Ive never seen a late game ahri sell void staff, can hardly imagine it if they didnt have abbysal or liandry's for the pen so I have no idea what good ahri players you are talking about

also Im pretty sure you dont build up penetration stats per level, neither magic or armor pen.

mana, damage, speed (attack speed and movement) and defensive stats only

If you don't build mpen on AP casters you're a bloody retard.

finished mana item -> sorc boots -> zhonyas/deathcap -> void staff 
this is standard on nearly every AP caster but Ryze (because that's mainly mana items & void staff & def items) and energy users 

Forgot about Void's passive, so I guess I do get more magic pen than I thought.
void staff is all about the passive.. but ok, just dont sell it for deathcap lategame

You auto after every ult dash, right? And you wait in between them?

You auto after every ult dash, right? And you wait in between them?

I don't understand what you mean about waiting in between them.


​Auto attacks are a waste of time mid to late game. So yeah, I understand why you mention Lich Bane (and the cooldown).

Yo, check this shit out... IP rewards for being in a party for the next 2 weeks only


Party of 2 = 4x IP

Party of 3 = 6x

Party of 4 = 8x

Party of 5 = 16x

Let's do this shit

O it's this thread
Finally branching away from mid and have started Blitz supp. It's been interesting in my first few games.
holy shit leblanc is fucking dope