
THF MCC Gamertag List

XanderElite - XanderElite (H2,  H3,  H2: FFA)
Cold Achilles - iSupremacyX (H2, H2A, H3)

xHarenilx - Harenil (Halo 5, MCC)

Alt GT: OG Harenil

Could you please add me to that FFA list too? I'm ALWAYS down to play more FFA :)

Uhh JeReMy ii-Uhh JeReMy ii- Halo 5, Reach, MCC

Forum Name: UncutFighter   GT:  UncutFighter

Hit me up for MCC or H5 :)

Posted a while back but username changed since then

Miles - Kzzinn, Milesias.

GT: adversitive

Frog - Elevated Frog

H2 and H3

H2: FFA too!


Gamertag: Juelz Xantana down to play any Halo MM or Customs

can you add me to the halo 2 ffa list bro? gt is Leb0uski the O is a zero 

If all you guys add me, i'm one of the main active guys that's hosting FFA's, i have one of the best host on the game, our lobbies are always fun, send me a message saying you're from thf and I'll be your gateway :)

Ruckus is high 


Not Indica Haz3 - Megehell - Halo 4

Wow how is my name not on this.

GT: Ash161

Play: GTA V, Halo MCC, MG Online, Battlefield 4, Destiny and likely Gears of War 4 and FIFA 17 when they come out - long story short I play a lot of shit.

Wow how is my name not on this.

GT: Ash161

Play: GTA V, Halo MCC, MG Online, Battlefield 4, Destiny and likely Gears of War 4 and FIFA 17 when they come out - long story short I play a lot of shit.

Wow how is my name not on this.

GT: Ash161

Play: GTA V, Halo MCC, MG Online, Battlefield 4, Destiny and likely Gears of War 4 and FIFA 17 when they come out - long story short I play a lot of shit.

Wow how is my name not on this.

GT: Ash161

Play: GTA V, Halo MCC, MG Online, Battlefield 4, Destiny and likely Gears of War 4 and FIFA 17 when they come out - long story short I play a lot of shit.

y0g1 II (capital i's at the end)

I play MCC for the One, Halo 2 is my favorite and the only one I haven't lost my touch in. FFA Midship anyone??
patrickthebrown - wafflebrains33

Jovian...Halo 2 Classic, H3 And H5

Ruckus                    Ruckus is high

^Name.                          GT^                                                       

If all you guys add me, i'm one of the main active guys that's hosting FFA's, i have one of the best host on the game, our lobbies are always fun, send me a message saying you're from thf and I'll be your gateway :)

I will add you when I get home, need to get in some games I get so bored of matchmaking :(

Cake - Keano The Fish
Add me, finally bit the bullet and got xbox one! Gt: I'm mr Lebowski I'll fight you 1v1 slater come at me
Still down for anything on MCC.  Current GT is: Rap

Add me anytime for some MCC just got a new xbox one yesterday having alot of fun recently


9 years, 10 posts?  GOD

Its a glitch after the last forum update my posts reset, he said he would fix it as soon as he could


i enjoy playing everything that's halo related (except halo wars lol)

I also enjoy h2 ffa

My tags I play on most are Jethro and G 6 and I usually play Halo 2 and swat.
Finally got an xbox one and have been playing alot of H2 Classic. Add me if you want to play, especially anyone who was on the forums back in the day.  Maffa2
sion is luck - Sion vii - Anything h2 related

add xMK1 for any type of customs !


Updated! Thanks for the information .

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