.:: League of Legends ::.


Streaming with BuK, Andrew, and someone else.

Edit - Mark, if you see this I have a message for you: buy fucking boots.


If someone wants to watch a really good jungler and Sejuani player, go here. Learned alot from him. 


nice guy too :) .

Slowly improving. I know the game went on for fucking ever, but  this is my greatest CS game yet.


I'm just too fucking good at this game, idk what to do anymore.
no you arent


Streaming at least one more game. Currently on my Plat 2 smurf, one game away from promos.

I've become God Mr. Scotty! FUCKING GOD (imagine if I played sober) Seriously wish I had time to actually dedicate to ranked though. 
Going for Diamond on my smurf today. In my promos for Plat 1. Streaming it all at twitch.tv/thaggles
Finally played my 10 placement games and got silver 2. I was honestly expecting bronze warrior status.

Good for you buddy. Bronze really is hell. 

Update on getting my smurf to Diamond... 6 losses in a row. Sure, I may have trolled one or two of them, but it's really annoying when people are just complete dicks for no reason. Kinda makes you want to lose.

Fuck em Josh


Gold V boys, on that grind.

vayne, why have u abandoned me

So I randomly started duo queueing with someone who joined my Curse Voice on one of my smurfs and also would watch my stream to give me an extra viewer. He kept asking me if I would ever be interested in making money off of streaming after a couple hours of playing together. Turns out he, "Jeep", is a manager with Team2g. He said he knew I was a solid player and that he enjoyed watching me play and playing with me and that he knows others would too. He wants me to add some personal touches to my stream page and the stream itself and submit a video to their website where they hold small votes for who people think the new addition to the team would be. I would end up with a LOT more viewers, an entirely new FREE PC setup for streaming, as well as an automatic partnership with Twitch.tv. Is anybody here good with Photoshop and would help me customize my stream page with graphics and also make a cool custom Shaco-themed overlay? I would love you forever (aka I'll help boost you haha).

nice, you could ask in the Creators Platform forum. Would be cool.


H2K vs SK was hilarious

So I randomly started duo queueing with someone who joined my Curse Voice on one of my smurfs and also would watch my stream to give me an extra viewer. He kept asking me if I would ever be interested in making money off of streaming after a couple hours of playing together. Turns out he, "Jeep", is a manager with Team2g. He said he knew I was a solid player and that he enjoyed watching me play and playing with me and that he knows others would too. He wants me to add some personal touches to my stream page and the stream itself and submit a video to their website where they hold small votes for who people think the new addition to the team would be. I would end up with a LOT more viewers, an entirely new FREE PC setup for streaming, as well as an automatic partnership with Twitch.tv. Is anybody here good with Photoshop and would help me customize my stream page with graphics and also make a cool custom Shaco-themed overlay? I would love you forever (aka I'll help boost you haha).

Would love to help but I don't have boots.

So I randomly started duo queueing with someone who joined my Curse Voice on one of my smurfs and also would watch my stream to give me an extra viewer. He kept asking me if I would ever be interested in making money off of streaming after a couple hours of playing together. Turns out he, "Jeep", is a manager with Team2g. He said he knew I was a solid player and that he enjoyed watching me play and playing with me and that he knows others would too. He wants me to add some personal touches to my stream page and the stream itself and submit a video to their website where they hold small votes for who people think the new addition to the team would be. I would end up with a LOT more viewers, an entirely new FREE PC setup for streaming, as well as an automatic partnership with Twitch.tv. Is anybody here good with Photoshop and would help me customize my stream page with graphics and also make a cool custom Shaco-themed overlay? I would love you forever (aka I'll help boost you haha).

Would love to help but I don't have boots.

I'm lost haha.

So apparently my smurf is ranked 87 on the NA server for Shaco. Top 100 Shacos NA for the win!

sounds sketchy thaggles r u sure he's legit

sounds sketchy thaggles r u sure he's legit

Yup, already contacted the fellas from Team2g. He checks out.

Got my smurf to Diamond. So check these screenshots out!

So this is what happens when a Nidalee gets 4 kills within 4 minutes. Look at the game duration!

Now check out what happens when Shaco can buy a TriForce on his third back, straight up. Then on my next back I could buy a straight up Infinity Edge. What a joke this elo is!

MSI predictions?
TSM fucking wins again? Lol.
TSM does actually have a chance I feel. What are the rules on switching players? can the Korean and Chinese teams do their game-by-game switcheroos in MSI, in multiple game series I mean. 
Santorin derped super fucking hard. Picking reksai (he was 0/2 going into it since cinderhulk) over sejuani (3-0) and not even giving a single gank on her.
Would like to see in Bjerg vs.  Faker tonight, but I bet SKT T1 will throw in Easyhoon.
What a disappointing day from TSM.
http://imgur.com/stShr4i Floor seats nigga to watch TSM break my heart
Oh shit lmao, it was pretty tragic
Currently ranked #38 with Shaco in North America. Sup sup?

soo, to update the info at the top. I'm lvl 24 now, "main" the roles support and jungle so far. Really liking Sejuani (even before cinderhulk),Thresh,Nautilus,Leona and Shyvana.

​getting better slowly haha. mostly I don't play more than 3 games in one sitting, it can be really tireing.

Does anybody else knows the band Falconshield? The make alot music about alot of games. mainly LoL.

BTW canon minion with Baron buff and banner of command is hilarious and super big.

Also there are pool party skins on the rift at the moment.