
General Work in Progress Chat

lmao thanks for that
Have you tried mixing up the colors? Maybe making the one on Shrine a shade of cyan or purple? You'd have to mess around and see if you could get something that complements each angle nicely, but doesn't seem random and out of place compared to the one you already like.

You should take a look at Zhestal's intro for Toasty's Halo: Reach Montage. He used different colored text without making it seem completely random, but he didn't have any obscuring backgrounds to match it with either (you could also try to add some blur to each angle, masked or unmasked to see if it makes the text the main focus). Maybe it's a bad example, but it's the only one I can think of right now. Just have a go at what you think might look good, and ask for more help later if you cannot get it right.

Rendering this now



Gonna post a 5 page essay on the video when you publish it.  
low key its shit though lmao

low key its shit though lmao

That's why it's gonna be 5 pages.

I released an edit earlier today

would appreciate it if my thf buds checked it out even though it's cod

That was sexy
That was lit af


appreciate it fellas

Construct angles. Better be good.
Not really in progress yet, but hopefully sometime in the future my first h3 project (dual) will be released by KING and Omn1science :D
Just FYI, we moved the video's to prime spot on the lower front page, so adding your videos to the video feature now has some added value. 

found this dope site for editors through maro

also, im installing fuse right now. im gonna work on some animation stuff while I figure out how to get my C4D rigging up to par and figure some vray stuff out. I have a few projects to start but I dont even know which one I want to do first. its like a mood vs priority thing


Just picked up Maya 15 and C4D R17. So now i can do a lot more with 3D because of the new C4D render engine and I got a few tools to work with maya for ripping game models. its fuckin litttt

made this in the meantime, can render the cam pan through yet though because it would take for fucking ever 

New toys

R17 and Maya just finished up, 
its fuckin lit

that looks so sick, cant wait for your future projects

that looks so sick, cant wait for your future projects

appreciate it, ive strictly just been working on upping my 3D skills, and upgrading my rig. I also figured out how to rip and animate 3D models straight off the game. It's so fucking sick.

Just picked up Fusion 8beta for the freee
Nice little addition to my editing arsenal

Looks awesome blackout, I need to get a actual good computer at some point, always wanted to learn 3D

thanks breu lol yeah i had to rebuild my rig just so Id be able to edit and render stuff as well as play games at max fps if i feel like it. Im actually about to build another because I want a SLI i7 build because its better for motion graphics and rendering + I can use it with my current for a home render farm along with my i7 laptop. A lot o my previous stuff was actually made on my laptop. As far as the 3D stuff, it's not to hard to learn the basics but theres just so much you can do and literally some new technology or technique comes out almost weekly so it's more of just keeping up.I've been doing nothing but test renders and learning stuff for like two days now after I overclocked my pc a lil bit more. 

Right now simple C4D renders like this are taking like 15 min with no team render which is really good

But Im just cramming info until I can get my content quality up to the likes of


but nikky is just tooo fucking good, and Id need a render farm subscription just to render anything like her stuff

but my current setup 


handles things pretty well for now, atleast until i try to take on some really technical stuff. right now this is just practice lol

Always wanted to learn these 3D programs. I remember starting to teach myself in a few of them, but ran out of time because of school. I only got to figure out the basics of Cinema 4D.
btw blackout if you want to post spoiler boxes as closed you have to close them in the post editor

Yeah its really worth learning imo, theres soo much you can do

btw blackout if you want to post spoiler boxes as closed you have to close them in the post editor

yeah i realized that afterwards haha



just finished modeling this for an intro, its going to take like 8 hrs to render two 30sec clips sooo im going to put that off until i finish the edit lmao

starting somthing
holy shit
oh damn dat caratti
sneak preview

I found this really fucking cool, Ive been watching a lot of nick cambells stuff and greyscale pointed to this dude. the subsurface and displacement stuff is so fucking dope

Blackout, how did you rip h2v? Atiemark and I tried doing it way back in 2010-2011 with some program but we never got it to work. Please share if you could :3

this is only going be up for a  short time any feed back would be nice, i have been out of the loop for a while,

so any help would be nice yes

(fyi a little rough)


Looks okay, although the flashes get a bit annoying. Are you planning to add game audio in later?

Blackout, how did you rip h2v? Atiemark and I tried doing it way back in 2010-2011 with some program but we never got it to work. Please share if you could :3

Dude, I swear to god I learned from a 12 year old with an unbearable stutter via youtube. I used adjulant and C4D in substitute of maya.. Pm me for full deets

​And since we're sharing WIPs I wanna contribute toooo

I hope hes not mad I posted that one lol

this one im going to take down soon though, its supposed to be secred -___-

Are you able to render full maps in c4d to get angles? That would be fantastic