Thought it might be an interesting thread, see which videos people think of as their best vs. what others think.
EDIT: Figured I'd put my choice up as well. For me, it's pretty obviously All the Gold 2. It's the most proud I've ever been of a video I released and I'm so glad Chimp gave me the chance to edit his clips, which were arguably some of the best at the time. I don't think I've ever put more effort into a video. I remember Chimp almost dropped me but the intro blew him away and he ended up adding even more clips for the last Pendulum song, happy moment for me. This might sound arrogant but I think it's definitely one of the top 5 MLG Reach videos ever released, behind The Avengers, Legend, and Ol' Man Makowski. I doubt I'll ever make anything better (although I hope to surpass it with my next release haha).