HighSpeedHalo Montage

Release Date: 
June, 2013
Visit Highspeedhalo.net and haloruns.com for awesome speedruns! Players in the video: HISTORY100, MunKK1, zusaij, xx3strksuroutxx, Scurty, Rorcin, slYnki, Dark Devastation, MindOverBody, GevarM96, GewehrM48, Mr Monopoli, VspiderV57, Insetik 47, Cody Miller, lalli ilmari, Sczee, RC Master, T3h Boar, Nak3d Eli, Pahis, Devin Olsen, goatrope, LocoPuyo, DammerWillEatU, connordavisj, Rock Chalk, Cheeseliker92, Numbnuts9 and NOKYARD