Workout/Bodybuilding III: Revengeance: Part Deux

Did he give you a ticket for not lifting enough?
Kinda. He asked me what my lifts were and when I told him about my bench he was like how is it so weak lol







305x2 and 315x1 in the slingshot








ever seen a 65 year old man squat 525 raw? @93kg

275x1 Front squat





275x3  Paused Bench


365,405,455x3 deadlift


all time 1 RM is 440, all time 3 rm is 440. 




I need a nap

Just got back from boss of bosses. So many big names there, ridiculous. Was front row the entire time to the squat/bench area, so I got vids of Malanichev's 1036 squat, dan greens lifts etc. 

dude no way that's so dope. upload them somewhere pls. 


I am going to go to USAPL nationals in October, it's only an hour from me. Have a few friends competing. should be good. 

tfw coulda went with Willey but Costco owns me. Asked for the day off a month ago and they said no. :(
you two should road trip to raw nat's 

my meet got cancelled :( 


Another meet mid December. Plan is to go in this weekend and work up to a 2RM on bench and deadlift. Aiming for 285 and 475. Then take a week or two off. Next training block is going to be sheiko for bench, repeat DL program and for squats I'm only going to do heavy front squats. 

Just got a call that one of the guys that used to lift with me at school the past couple years died last night from an enlarged heart/heart attack. He's always been pretty open about using gear, but I'm not sure what exactly he was on. He was prepping for a show in a few weeks and I think the cutting process was just too much for his body.


Stay safe guys

Damn. I think pro gear people (or even people who don't care about gear) tend to down play the risks associated with gear use. Stuff can be dangerous. 

my condolences. 


Also could have have been a fluke. One of my best friends from High School died of a brain aneurysm. Fucking random. 

Yea it's definitely possible he was already prone to a heart condition from genetics or had something undiagnosed, this is just what I've heard from those closer to him that knew whatever he was on. Still sucks either way

Benched 285x2 paused. Jesus Christ that last rep was a grinder. 



went to deadlift 465-475 x2. Got 455x3 last week. 455 didn't even break the ground. Nice. 


Back to volume for for ever 

Fuckin lol. Can't peak forever man.


Had a deload week this week. I'm beat the fuck up and think I may have gotten sick from the person next to me at work. I've been dehydrated and weak feeling for the last day. 


Squatted up to 140 (308) for doubles today and just felt weak as hell. That's all I was supposed to do due to deload but that's still usually super easy for me. Started finally doing some ab stuff the last week too since I knew I couldn't recover if starting it during a heavy week. Hopefully it  won't wreck me more as I get used to doing it more often. Same goes for my CoC grippers.


Signed up for a meet Oct 11, so I'm gonna start getting more serious on everything.

Yeah, never really peaked properly before so it was a good learning experience. I've read so much about peaking and dropping volume and intensity. Over complicated things for what I need. Volume for ~6 weeks. deload, week of heavy triples for ~5 sets. week off and boom peaked. 



also been been super stressed about my actuarial exams and have been studying more and it has destroyed training. 




the real question is do I do full power and not be a fag or do push pull and be a fag. Probably going to do push pull. I'll worry about squats later. 



Also time time to buckle down on diet and stop eating so much ice cream and shed a few lbs. I have realized that when I gain weight it goes straight to my legs and it sucks. need to get leaner. 



You goddamn pussy do a full meet. It still kinda amazes me theres such thing as a push pull or bench only meets. Why no squat/dead meets or squat only meets etc?


But yea thats pretty much how peaking works. Idk if it varies a bit on powerlifting, but for olympic it's usually 4-6 volume, 1 deload, 4 of tripes/doubles/singles, deload/off, meet at end of that week

Yeah I kinda push the intensity during my volume block so I don't think I need as much time to re acclimate to heavier weights. 


I also think my recovery is pretty good so taking a week off from lifting does fucking wonders

Wait. You have good recovery but you feel like you need the week off? Wouldn't good recovery mean you only need like 2-3 days off?

Wait. You have good recovery but you feel like you need the week off? Wouldn't good recovery mean you only need like 2-3 days off?

I think he was saying that he is feeling recovered from taking a week off lol.

Gonna squat 365 for 5x5 tomorrow should be reeeeeaaaalllll fun. I've been doing a four day split of TM lately that's been working pretty well lately. Especially if you're like me and you hate rotating bench and OHP weekly.


Bench 5x5

OHP 3x8

Tricep pressdowns 4x10-15



Squat 5x5

Powercleans 5x3



Bench: Cycle weekly between PR triples, PR doubles, and PR singles

OHP: Cycle between 5RM and 2RM

Slingshot: Same cycle as bench

Dips: 4x10-15



Squat: Cycle between 2x3, 3x2, 5x1 (just like bench)

Deadlift Cycle between 3RM, 2RM, and 1RM

Rows: 3x5


Seems like a lot of volume, but I feel way more recovered than when I was doing the standard 3 day version of TM. Plus I really like this program because it offers a little bit of everything, strength, power, and hypertrophy. 

Yea I did notice when I was at my peak of TM that 3 days was too little to cram all of the volume into, and I noticed that I would often be too beat up from squats to do anything else on the volume day. I never did experiment with 4 days a week though.


I'm currently doing 5 days a week and it's way more tolerable now with everything more spread out. Wait nvm, now that I look at it I'm just doing a ton of shit 3 days a week still and 2 lighter days tacked on haha. But it feels better on me, maybe just because I stay moving most days of the week.

I meant that I can build volume for 6 weeks, have one transition week to heavier weights, 90%x4x3 ish, take a week off and then come in and smash PRs. I don't need a long transition from volume back to intensity. 


yeah spreading volume out over the course of a week makes a tremendous difference. I could probably do all my deadlifting sets in 1 day, but spreading it out over 4 makes everything a million times better

You doing Sheiko myzo?

Squatted 365 for 5x5 and it actually wasn't too bad. Tried to do some RDL's afterwards, but my my lower back was fried.. Gonna try to hit 395 for 2x3 on Thursday. Gonna bench 280 for five singles on Wednesday, if it's feeling good then I'll probably bump it up to 285 or 290. I might upload my squats from today, I recorded the third set out of five.

Yup, for bench at least. Doing the Large Load Prep Cycles from the iPhone app. 


I just finished shed up a Norwegian program, you can find it through Google. Saw great results from bench + deadlift. I think sheiko will do be better for bench with more variation and I am re running Norwegian for deadlifts. 


Increased frequency has had done magical things for my lifts. Proficiency is great and little form things are finally clicking.


Really hoping to hit 300/500 at my meet in December. Also going to commit to competing in 181s. Really gotta put in work on my accessories in the next 6 weeks. 

Signed up for a meet on October 18th. Tested where I was yesterday and PR'd on squat and bench for my body weight. Easy 365 squat and grinder 205 pause bench. Missed a 405 deadlift, but I'm about 7 weeks out so I'm sure I can add to it. Hoping to total 1,000lbs at 160ish.
you should do a bro split and put on 10lbs this winter. shit would do wonders. Do like PPL and your only goals are gain 10lbs and get a huge pump everyday. Would change ur life. 
I want to. Garret Blessings had a video about this kinda. I want to do a hypertrophy block for a few months before going back to powerlifting training, and eventually a meet prep phase. I'm starting to move up the food chain at Costco, so I'm pushing carts less and less, so I can focus on training a little more.

hyper trophy -> gain muscle -> train new muscle to be strong -> profit. 



takes a while to get a good hypertrophy block in. Like I said, go for like 2 months this winter. Don't even think about a powerlifting routine. Get a huge pump every gym session come back in the spring and get back on a PL program to get stronger and profit. 

got my little brother into lifting. He has been seriously lifting since beginning of summer and he as a 205 bench, 325 DL and 275 squat. He is 6'2" and 185. fucker is going to end up being stronger than me. 



Super cool he lifts cause now we have something in common but fuckkkkkkkkk

Recent numbers I've gotten. 315 squat beltless( all time beltless PR), 182.5 paused bench for 3 reps( not a PR, but 7.5 away from paused 3 rep bench PR), and 350 sumo for 5 reps with a belt, only 15lbs away from all time PR. All at 160 body weight.

Also went to the doctor for my back. Said it's most likely muscles being too tight, because all the info I provided didn't line up with a fucked up disk or anything in her opinion. So that's good to hear.

145x8, 165x7, 175x6, 195x5, 205x4, 225x2x3, 235x2x2, 255x1x2, 235x2x2, 235x2x3, 205x5, 195x6, 175x8, 165x10, 145x12 bench




fuckkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk dis sheiko volume. feeling awesome though. smashed 260x5 paused this past weekend. waking up at 178lbs

damn myzo that seems like a shit ton of volume.. you think all of that is really necessary?

not trying to talk bad about your program or anything; i just don't know much about the sheiko program. i kinda thought it was meant more for like world-class powerlifters.

Went to a sports chiro (who told me in the first 5 minutes that she doesn't do any joint/bone shit unless its last resort, so she's not really like a chiro). I've had some back/hip tightness that has been appearing and disappearing randomly the last month so I decided to suck it up and get it checked out. Turns out I have a host of postural problems all stemming from a collapsed arch due to fucking up my toe playing soccer 2 years ago (which I knew about). I knew a lot of things that were issues, but not necessarily the root of the cause, so that helped to finally realize how to fix some things. Apparently I've been standing at like a 5-10 degree forward tilt all the time, so my posterior is always tighter and my quads/abs are weak from not being used. Makes sense since high bar and front squatting always feels like my quads aren't strong enough, and why I'm always falling forward on squats/jerks.


Competing on the 11th, so hopefully I can get some of this shit fixed in the next week or two to get out a decent performance.

damn myzo that seems like a shit ton of volume.. you think all of that is really necessary?

not trying to talk bad about your program or anything; i just don't know much about the sheiko program. i kinda thought it was meant more for like world-class powerlifters.


Sheiko is more a style of training than a specific program. There are world class lifters using sheikos programming but it's far from what I'm doing. It is a lot of volume but it's not insane once you're used to it. Today I squatted (not sheiko) 225x2x8, 255x3 paused 265x3 paused, 275x5x1 then 295x1 and 315x1. I then benched 225x3, 235x4x3, 235x2x4 and deadlifted 365x4x3. 


That at amount of volume would have killed me a few months ago and I just did that in like an hour and a half and I have two more sessions like that this week. 


Also so because I don't need months I between hitting PRs I take some liberty in working up to maxes and basically do so whenever weights are flying. I worked up to a 5RM PR bench two weeks ago and did that on top of all my other working sets. felt fine the next day. 

Also loosing weight and getting abs and my body composition is changing for the better. Maybe this training is unnecessary but so what I'm making pissening gains