$150 for someone to really impress me, My brother is a FKN LEGEND

Someone edit some of the best clips I have to my bro's song, you kids couldn't ever even ponder of rapping like this!

First come first serve, I'd like to see Sk0ls trolls honestly take up on this.


Mr. Synchronization king, lets see it

Half if you use your own clips, but first come first serve
dumb butt
Renzy Frenzy
Narcotic Idiotic

Sounds like Childish Gambino and Drake made a retarded baby.  




i'll edit. hit me up on AIM: H2Frhis

im usually offline but just keep messaging.
Dude, what world do you live in?
Thank for the new Gamertag Idea
rapping fast doesn't make you a good rapper
That moment when this got near 50k views, good shit man

I'll do it for free because i believe in what you believe in


pm me

Look at the lyrics, goes to show the first time you didnt pay attention

haha 50k aint shit compared to how he got the song popular. try about a million....
