
The Official Post Your Sick Clips Thread

never realized bxz's tilt your screen when you first scope in. looks kinda cool if you pause it at that moment

I was reading the comments on an old Kampy video on FaZe which said something like "there's not many people as good as Kampy at montaging." And then I read this lol.

"Oooh really clearly does not watch me or other montagers. There are so many people just as good as him just saying." - VeNoMz

Do you actually consider yourself on par with Kampy wtf LOL?

I was reading the comments on an old Kampy video on FaZe which said something like "there's not many people as good as Kampy at montaging." And then I read this lol.

"Oooh really clearly does not watch me or other montagers. There are so many people just as good as him just saying." - VeNoMz

Do you actually consider yourself on par with Kampy wtf LOL?

I dont think thats what he's implying but he's right, there are people just as good or better. Maybe not as far as getting montage clips but skillwise

First clip on my new account
I know there are people as good at Kampy at montaging, and definitely at sniping and other things. Lots of them like FatRat, Dutchy, Phurion, Sandman, etc.. However, I fail to see how Venomz is one of them lol. His first montage was released like a year or two ago...
imo dutchy and kampy are on their own level. their creativity and moments of perfect play are unparalleled. 

also if anybody here happens to have any of my h3 clips from waaaay back, please add me on skype: rhislybear

looking for anything at all. 

If i can get my old 360 back i'm sure theres some i can give you

also if anybody here happens to have any of my h3 clips from waaaay back, please add me on skype: rhislybear

looking for anything at all. 

I think I still have some of the LANtage stuff, if you want those. Still can't believe how much we got in those two weekends.

woah that was quick thanks a ton guys! ill take literally anything, tryna put together a little something with what i have left on my computer. Feel free to PM me on here or Skype. Skype name: rhislybear 

and yea kenny those weekends were insane, we may have gotten clips that were just too good hah. i remember how stupidly high our standards and that we didnt even realize how sick the footage was as we were getting it. 

I know there are people as good at Kampy at montaging, and definitely at sniping and other things. Lots of them like FatRat, Dutchy, Phurion, Sandman, etc.. However, I fail to see how Venomz is one of them lol. His first montage was released like a year or two ago...

No, I was saying I dont think he is implying he is as good as him

Call me ShawnWhite. Please sub gys. dont play as much but im still uploading stuff when i can

hey eli that clip sucked
would have been sick if you managed to stick the guy on camo and then snipe the elite there too for the triple. but one can dream
Yea but Im shite at halo

Posted a minitage here:


Fkn sick clip btw david

baked 50 MLG something i got yesterday

Fun little kill. Nothing special really...was surprised I hit it as well as I did.

don't worry guys he didn't get it

the only thing he got was half my kills and twice my deaths 
Doesn't matter, still clipped Dutchy.
Lol Tarzan we have the exact same tv yo
MM or custom?
Love those kinds of clips. Keep posting if you get them!
Doesn't matter, still clipped Dutchy.
Matchmade Snipers. I ripped Chig a new one earlier today too. Next, give me Kampy, Naded or Ninja.

that was fucking sweet


I found like five clips on my Reach fileshare. Here's two of them.

Here's a 2v2 triple.

And here's a nice overkill exterm.